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My name is Christine and I am not only a grateful believer in Jesus, but I struggle with an overwhelming addiction to the blue willow pattern! Yes, as you can tell from my introduction, I do work in a recovery program! Sad to say though, it really can become an addiction. I began collecting in 1996 when my husband Ben and I began our family.

We were young, thought we knew everything, but poor as could be. We were both in college, working to make ends meet and I was expecting. The best part about being poor, was my mom was an antique dealer, so up to her shop we went to outfit my former childhood home with dishes and such. Needless to say my first piece was this blue and white salt box. It was missing the lid and my mom had been keeping her mail in it for some time.

Japanese Blue Willow Salt Box

She added some blue and white dishes to the boxes of items we would starting our new little family with. This my friends is where it all started! Before I knew it I was buying collectors guides and searching like it was a treasure hunt for my next purchase. What would it be?…..a pitcher, a plate, a teapot.

These hunts led me to talk to many other collectors and at some point, began looking online for willow pattern treasures. Yes I said willow pattern, not just blue willow. While my collection started with just blue and white, it quickly became evident, there were many colors made in the willow pattern…..and well, I needed it all.

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